Both patients and staff benefit broadly from the use of UpToDate Advanced® + Lexicomp® aligned clinical decision support solution.
Like most smaller, regional, public hospitals, Vardakeio & Proio is always struggling to find an optimal balance between costs and quality. Another critical success factor is making itself attractive for health professionals by offering them the digital technologies and tools needed to achieve the best outcome for their patients.
So, the hospital’s recent upgrade to the bundle of UpToDate Advanced® clinical decision support + Lexicomp® drug information was a strategic decision of the management aimed at providing more for its workforce, while also enhancing benefits for patients. With the power of one aligned solution that unites clinical and drug content with one voice and one platform no health professional feels left behind by the innovation processes all around the world, and patients receive high-end medical services despite the island location, based on current information.
The multi-year license of UpToDate Advanced® and Lexicomp® was part of a project aimed at modernizing the IT landscape of the Syros campus, funded by the European Union. Upon rollout, multiple detailed interactive seminars served to introduce UpToDate capabilities, and experts from Wolters Kluwer were available to answer any potential questions — even remotely during the COVID-19 quarantines.